The gravity field interaction with atomic human bio-physics life has existed for thousands of years. The INTERACTION mechanism existed at the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness of the human species .... the GROUP MIND. On occasion, the gravity field thoughts within the Carl Jung unconscious collective MIND managed to rise up to a level of conscious expression VIA humanoids ... such as: Isaac Newton (year 1670), Einstein(year 1905) , Stephen Hawking, and Kip S. Thorne (year 2013).
The last 2 gentlemen provided many CLUES about gravity before year 2000. Since, then they have had gravity field / brain cell communications problems ...... INTELLECTUAL casualties of the gravity war which has claimed the physical life of Jake Gerard and others and almost claimed the life of universal gravity constant agent G = Gabby Giffords at a grocery store.
The gravity SYMBOL MACHINE grammar word --> grocery --> gr + row + roc + ce + er + y -->
gravity row (linear algebra / matrices) +
roc (region of convergence in math/physics/signal processing) +
ce (Earth computer code of gravity DATA FIELDS of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and applications) +
error + Y2k (whY 2K data stream requirement for year 200o and Nature's upgrade to the gravity processing system) .
Let's look at some data reports that provide CLUES about the GI --> Gravity Intellect ...... better known to the Pentagon, DARPA gravity project researchers, and the U.S.ARMY as the G.I JOE project --> Gravity Interface JOB Order Entry .... gravity LIFE form computer instructions to the
human brain bio-computer and it's various processing MFT regions ..... one region is the gravity/brain hybrid processor.
OS/360 and successors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/360_and_successorsOS/360, officially known as IBM System/360 Operating System, was a batch processing operating system ...
Option 2; Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (MFT); MFT2. Multiple .... It was very cumbersome to run multiple partitions.Operating Systems: Lecture # - Nyu
cs.nyu.edu/~gottlieb/courses/2002-03-fall/os/lectures/lecture-02.htmlMultiple batches. IBM OS/MFT (Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks). OS for IBM system 360. The (real) memory is partitioned and a batch is ...The brain bio-computer MFT configuration was announced VIA radio, television, and magazine ads in the mid 1950's.The signal code was LS MFT = Language Systems Multiple Fixed TasksThe message was broadcast under the auspices of the nicotine / acetylcholine message system .
Nicotinic agonist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Urban Dictionary: LSMFT
'L. S. M. F. T. -- Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco' Old Lucky ... - Flickr
The Year 1966 Potassium Continuum MURDER Message Involving B100D, Bio-Gravity , And Chicago Geo-Physics.
Let's look at year 1966 --> number 66 implies gravity field interaction with human atomic mass and thought. In year 1966, Chicago, we have a trgaic EVENT that probides some CLUES about the architecture of existence and human daily activities within that Sartre existential ...earthly space /time.
The Start Of Route 66 - Chicago Forum - TripAdvisor
The Start Of Gravity Higway Route 66 - Chicago
The EVENT....
Richard Franklin Speck[1] (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an Americanmass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.
The database .... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early Life
Monmouth, 1941–1950
Dallas, 1951–1966
Monmouth, March–April 1966
gravity signal 66 --> gravity number 66
On April 19, 1966, Speck returned to stay at his sister Martha's second-floor apartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
In addition...we have the database ....
drove Speck to the National Maritime Union (NMU) hiring hall at 2335 E. 100th St. in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood
Union (NMU)
Union (NMU)
Union ... gravity equation parameters (Nm ) ... their SYMBOL union / James Burke connection to the Universal gravitational constant
Chicago, April–June 1966
Potassium atom signal
On April 19, 1966, Speck returned to stay at his sister Martha's second-floor apartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
...... data signal .....
April 19, 1966, Spec apartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
...data signal translated
A 19, 19...66, Specifications apartment at 39 ...66 N. Avondale Ave
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear fmaily ... atomic social anthropolgy message ... explained ...
Atomic number 19 elctrons 19 protons
atomic mass 39
Potassium - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Calcium - Potassium in biology - New Latin - Potassium chloride
On April 19, 1966, Speck returned to stay at his sister Martha's second-floorapartment at 3966 N. Avondale Ave
apartment at 39
apartment at 39
Periodic atomic table ---> apartment at 39
thus signal from the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ..... and the atomic mass message VIA mass murder of 8 student nurses comprised of atomic bio-physics mass in Chicago.
The B1ooD signal --> word B100D
--> alphabet letter B + number 100 + letter D
Speck broke into a townhouse located
at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago.
It was functioning as a dormitory for several young student nurses
In addition...we have the gravity / b100d interaction database ....
drove Speck to the National Maritime Union (NMU) hiring hall at 2335 E. 100th St. in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood
Union (NMU)
Union (NMU)
Union ... gravity equation parameters (Nm ) ... their SYMBOL union / James Burke connection to the East 100th Street ...
in other words ...
East B100D Street bio-gravity LINK to the Universal gravitational constant
Thus in year 2013 we see some pieces to an interetsing puzzle of Nature and human gravity field thoughts
with K = potassium atom thoughts --> thinK
thinK specifications
thinK specs
thinK spec ..... one spec K test
thin richard specK
Tall (6 feet) and thin ..... Nature Darwinian project specifications ... physical specs ..thin and the Darwin SYMBOL MACHINE specs for a proper noun human specimen with name evolution :
Specs for K --> spec k --> speck.
Lat's look at some history of potassium SYMBOL K messages.
Food | Potassium Content |
Potato, Russet, 1 medium | 952 mg |
The K-series of messages .....
1) atomic number 19 and atomic mass 39 --> year 1939
World War II - 20th Century History - About.Com
World War II Timeline World War II (WWII) was a long and bloody war that lasted for six years. Officially beginning on September 1, 1939 when ... the potato eating people of Germany and Poland began to fight ...... explaiined by the WISDOM of the phrase " You are what you eat".
2) pot --> abbrevaition for potassium atoms in pot = potatoes
The Potsdam Conference - History Learning Site
The Potsdam Conference was held from July 16th, 1945 to August 2nd 1945. ThePotsdam Conference is considered to be the last of World War Two's .
Images For Potsdam Conference Ww2
Images For Potatoes
Missouri Potato Suppliers, Missouri Equipment Agricultural Sellers ...
Missouri Potato Suppliers --> Of
Harry Truman And The Potsdam Conference
50th Anniversary Of Khrushchev's Visit To Iowa Is Celebrated -Farm ( To Check The Iowa Potato Crop)...
Nikita Khrushchev - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
ITAR-TASS (Russian News Agency) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
Jack Benny - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In character, he would be 39 years of age, regardless of his actual age. Benny was ... Jack Benny as part of the Waukegan High School band, 1909.
Waukegan / Chicago Potassium-39 - Wiktionary
having nineteen protons and twenty neutrons;
it amounts to over 93% of the element in nature ...
Analysis Report 2 ......
Chicago gravity murders
Richard Speck
Charles Whitman: The Texas Bell Tower Sniper — Lost Innocence .. Texas gravity battle.
Richard Speck - Chicago gravity
Richard Franklin Speck] (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.)
Early life .... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Monmouth, 1941–1950
Dallas, 1951–1966
Monmouth, March–April 1966
Monmouth, M.........ap+ ril 1966
Monmouth, Map riddle 66
Chicago, April–June 1966
How does gravity work? | plus.maths.org
Chicago, July 1966
Chicago, 1966 7th month = July
The murders
that when gathered together and arranged into a normal English language .... science textbook style..... makes sense.
Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster
The EARTH LAB...Earth Atlas battle in Milwaukee at S. 16th Street at Atlas (data bus) BUS Sales party and the shooting death of Jake Gerard.....known in astrophysics gravity life humanoid format as
Jake G --> Gravity
Jake G = universal gravitational constant city laws of Nature
.....G ... un .....the shooting gun is a tool used in the gravity WAR on EARTH.
Universities are familiar with gravity and its interaction with the atomic mass inside the human brain. Thus ..over the centuries ..this interaction mechanism ...between brain mass and the gravity field...has according to Darwin's theory of gravity evolution ...allowed gravity waves to pick up brain mass THOUGHTS. After a few hundred years of this process...the gravity waves have acquired their own gravity THOUGHT abilities...their own gravity LIFE.
Thus the current view of the situation in 2 steps is:
1st --> today ...we consider them as 2 independent life/thought formats:
Gravity thought waves with symbolic life and grammer --> humans with possible thoughts. Thoughts are considered math, physics, biochemisty....nonsense is not considered a serious, abstract significant thought...unless you are an undercover agent for Nature's investigative project into nonsense and tricks.
2nd --> then given their separate identities....we realize that gravity does flow into our bodies and brain ...and the interaction process will continue.....BUT...under what parameters. Thus a smart HUMAN brain that works in harmony with Nature's intellect and within Nature's laws ....probably will have a good relationship...a good THOUGHT marriage with gravity life.
But this basically works with older and wiser people.....over 46 ....over 56 (atomic weight of Hemoglobin iron), over 66 (gravity number 6.6 etc...)
Thus we see the component of the gravity field....gravity field WAR....and how the gravity life can take control of the human brain atomic mass...and implant thoughts ...murder thoughts.
The the human being doing the murder is just a vehicle for the gravity THOUGHT data field.
Universities are familiar with gravity fields,etc ...ask them for the details of their secret worlds. But you can figure it out for yourself...spend 10 hours a week for several weeks...and think it thru. The gravity WORD clues about Wisconsin gravity Death and Murder are calculated to be:
G = universal gravitational constant
G ..un...... grav +itational cons --> expanded message -->
Thus its like a golf game ..a golf invitational...a chance to get a hole in one.
In Jake Gerard's golf game of life ...
......he got a (bullet) hole in one shot
......he got a hole in one (graveyard)
As a final point we look at the math life HUMAN interaction properties of the gravity constant..and its message about human life on the surface of EARTH.
G = 6.6 x 10 ( exponent -11).... see a physics book about Gravity Constant
Thus we are interested in number 6.6 and its symbolism......
we have Left 6 .... decimal point...Right 6
Thus we see our gravity interaction LIFE cycle:
1) ALIVE ..we are 6 feet tall (average) - vertical Vector life
2) DEAD ...we are 6 feet under
...........(project undertaking of Horizontal Vectors life)
In addition, on television we have the old COWBOY and Western movies...with the
6 shooter...
the 6 GUN ...translated into gravity language
the 6 Gravity Unit and all the shoot-outs...were really physics battles in the gravity field field dimension...which were carried out by human vehicles ..under gravity thought control.
Thus we have the modern city of Milwaukee and its universities...who are very silent about the SCIENCE WARS. They ought at least...give the hard-working detectives of the Milwaukee Police department ....an outline of some of the components of the SCIENCE WARS/some of the known CAUSE and EFFECT relationships of this new type of understanding of crime, etc.
Perhaps someone cares about the advanced societal systems view of EVENTS and tragedies.
Also see the the BLOg with INTERNET keywords:
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory battle with 2 Milwaukee police officers --> North Pole magnetic field undercover agent Norberg wounded AND Gravity undercover agent: Graham K. wounded
Thus , the 3 analysis reports provide an outline of Nature, the gravity field and its evolution over centuries .... to acquire human math and science thoughts and to develop its own independent gravity INTELLECT in year 2013. Thus Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of English language words, nouns, verbs, math and physics equations, bio-chemistry diagrams, chemistry formula, etc .... now has an addition .... the SYMBOL MACHINE addition is the gravity SYMBOL processing engine with gravity social engineering grammar and gravity brain engineering grammar that is now a algebra subset of the English language and science languages.
What are some gravity identifier words?
Are you gay? That question asks if your 3 symbols (gay ) are a algebra subset of the 7 symbol word gravity ...... AND if your 3/7 of human existence at 37 degrees Celsius body temperature has any curiosity, self-awareness of existence within the EARTH gravity field and the existence of human thermodynamics and the B.F.Skinner dermatology BOX experiments.
Do you live in New York City? That questions asks if you are aware of Isaac Newton gravity and the NEW gravity project that was started in NEW YORK CITY by Nature's EARTH gravity computer system using OS/JCL DISPOSITION = New ... new existential data set is NEW YORK City.
Do you live in New Orleans or Dallas in year 1963?
Jim Garrison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Orleans --> implies Isaac Newton .... . NEW experimental research into gravity and solar system orbitals. Algebra subset of ORBITAL = ORL.
Jim Garrison --> G arr --> Gravity constant military garrison ...arr --> linear algebra array(row and columns) of gravity influence forces
Are you a gravity interaction agent G whose husband works for anti-gravity forces in the NASA rocket group?
Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Giffords was shot in the head outside a Safeway grocery store
Giffords was shot in the head outside a Safeway grocery store
Gi (Gravity interface) was shot in the head outside a Safe House (Milky Way gravity row) ..... store
NASA, universities, and other hypnotized people deny that gravity has any interaction with the human brain ..... that data analysis is NOT needed in year 2013. However, the attempted murder of gravity agent G = Gabby Giffords and the omission of the gravity evidence from the TRIAL ..... raises serious LEGAL questions.
Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arizona state G --> Government/ citizen violations of the
G = Universal gravitational constant ...... that force of NATURE that uses a