Rd-blog-number-4470 by Herb Zinser reviews the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION war zone ... the living EARTH cell and the astrocyte battles with NASA and others.
The astrocyte battle of interest is the shooting of Gabby Giffords in Arizona.
NASA ...... code --> NAS + A --> NASTY Actions
Thus, in addition to the many good things that NASA does..... it is supposed to act as a watch-dog for various EARTH LAB errors and EARTH LAB system problems ..... and arrange for their repair ...either directly or thru other serious people ..with NASA providing communications and other interface facilities..
Let's look at another post that explains some astro war casualties ...... involving astrocyte biochemistry military technology.
The astrocycte end feet WAR casualties of the Boston Marathon
RD-blog-number-4462 by Herb Zinser uses the astrophysics VIEW of the living EARTH cell and its CMS (Content Management Systems) to study tragic signaling events.
Boston Marathon bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Marathon_bombingsThe Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure cooker bombs ...
end-feet - definition of end-feet by Medical dictionary
medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/end-feetend-feet (ĕnd′fēt′) pl.n. See axon terminals. end-feet. button- or knob-like terminal enlargements of naked nerve fibers whichend in a synapse with dendrites ...
Astrocyte End-Feet in Germinal Matrix, Cerebral Cortex ...
Top Abstract. Astrocyte end-feet ensheathe blood vessels in the brain and are believed to provide structural integrity to the cerebral vasculature.
Astrocytes in Health and Neurodegenerative Disease
Blast TBI Models, Neuropathology, and Implications for ...
Blast TBI Models, Neuropathology,
Blast TBI Models, Neuropathology,
Blast TBI Models, Neuropathology of the city of BOSTON
Rd-blog-number-4461 by Herb Zinser reviews the newspaper WAR casualty reports related to the astrocyte foot process.
Nature's message processing systems provide us with a biochemistry EATH LAB database from the geography State of Virginia comprised of 2 major created events in that region ...... that provide the data that correlates to the above picture diagram.
To understand the situation ....... we must establish some perceptions ,,points of view, etc.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids,proteins, biochemistry cells, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.
The next concept tool .....
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
that become an EXTERNAL expression displayed on the Earth geography surface via human data generating activities (tragic signaling EVENTS)
The SYMBOL MACHINE keywords above --> Blood-Brain barrier .... and foot process of astrocyte ..play an important role in Nature's creation of tragic signaling EVENTS for data ..that may be useful to researchers in forensic science or amateur detectives with a home science reference library.
First .....keyword --. Brain and Nature's DARWIN selection of the University of Virginia and Virginia TECH .... a brain campuses with brain specimens (college students)
The next keyword ..blood ...... and the selection of the Virginia TECH brain campus for the message of --> blood-brain barrier DEMO.
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus we have the Isaac Asimov psychohistory equation situtation.
Foundation series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The equation for ----> Blood brain barrier ........... and the mapping of the word to physical REALITY and violent PHYSICAL biology attention getting messages ..... to get newspaper message database distribution
Blood --> becomes the 32 shooting victims at Virginia TECH
BRAIN --> a university campus
barrier --> ??????????????? ..... let's look again
Norris Hall shootings
About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others,
and chained the three main entrance doors shut (to act as a barrier and a barrier message). He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors,
The next message comes from the University of Virginia.
Murder of Hannah Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Police release photos of missing UVA student - NY Daily News
www.nydailynews.com/.../police-release-photos-missing-uva-stu...Sep 16, 2014 - The new pics show Hannah Elizabeth Graham walking through her ... she texted friends to say she had become lost while walking home from a ...Daily News
- Police release new pictures of missing UVa student Hannah ...
- Neurocytology-Astrocytes - Neuropathology
Astrocyte structure, functions, and reactions. ...
Astrocytic foot processes surround brain capillaries and, during development,
induce endothelial ...
word analysis .......
foot processes surround
induce endothelial (induce end of life .... request by system neurotransmitters .. for biochemistry message generating mission) ...
Above, the living EARTH cell view of downtown Charlottesville, Virginia.
- Astrocytes: Location, Structure and Function - GetBodySmart
www.getbodysmart.com › Nervous System › Neuron Support Cellsto make contact with capillaries, neurons, and. other astrocytes. The processes that terminate. on the capillaries expand into perivascular. (= end) feet, which ...
Thus, in year 2015, we have incomplete explanations given in newspapers about the possible CAUSEs and EFFECTs involved in Nature's data generating EVENT known as the death of Hannah Graham
Now, let's review the Hannah Graham spider cell neurology expression.
Spider-Like Brain Cells May Be Active In Memory Making - PBS
Mar 3, 2011 - Astrocytes are stained green, neurons are shown in red, and cell nu. ...Spider-like Brain Cells May Be Active in Memory Making ... between astrocytes and neurons is not new, said Paul Aisen, a neurologist with the University ...
Journal Of Comparative Neurology
A comparison may here be drawn between spider cells (astrocytes) and the “spider cells” described by BALLANCE and STEwART; as concerns the former, ...
Thus, in year 2015, we see a serious BRAIN problem regarding its SYMBOL PROCESSOR abilities.
Nature ............ using EARTH LAB specimen Hannah Graham had her neurotransmmitters and astrocyte spider-cells issue a der command ...that it wanted murder.
Sipder cell orders for Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE systems ....
murder requested ..... to generate attention getting newspaper headlines for British researchers.
Since the British researchers do not communicate about this tragioc situation ....... that implies that they have a brain SYMBOL disease ..... lack of awareness and lack of interest OR too much television.
Now, let's look at NASA and Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly ........ agent G for gravity SYMBOL LIFE , bio-gravity and brain gravity field interaction..
She lives in Arizona with gravity information highway ROUTE 66.
Thus we have the gravity field LINK to Gabby Giffords and NASA.
Mark KellyAstronaut
Mark Edward Kelly is a retired American astronaut, engineer and U.S. Navy Captain. He is the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.Nature's message .....Giffords' political career was cut short in 2011 when she was shot in the head by a gunman who killed six others.Year 2011 --> number 11 --> exponent in equationsix --> number 6 on the gravity equationGifford --> initial G is a human subset living within the EARTH gravity field and its thoughts ...
and Congress refuses to properly acknowledge that EARTH existence of REALITYgunman --> SYMBOL MACHINE code --> gun --> g un --> gravity unit (message device using human carriers)The SYMBOL MACHINE word -->astrocyte --> astro + roc --> astro Region Of ConvergenceThus we have another ROC site .... grocery storeGabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabrielle_GiffordsWikipedia... 2011, Giffords was shot in the head outside a Safeway grocery store in Casas ...... Gabrielle Giffords; Calls for Thorough Investigation into Motives of Shooter".
outside a Safeway grocery store
outside a Safeway grocery store
......ide a .......way g + roc
idea ..... Milky Way (Galaxy) exists and the EARTH is a astrophysics subset of the Milky Way
..... g roc --> galaxy region of convergence (for EARTH LAB social engineering and astroctye expressions)Thus we have the EARTH geography surface with humans astrocyte thoughts
...such humans went to the Gabby Giffords ROC (her political rally meeting)at the EARTH geography surface ROC site.(the ROC code in grocery store)
So, we see a level of ROC activites taking place at once.
It would be very easy .... .for Nature's brain systems to orchestrate the tragic event .. to WAKE up NASA ...
who are string theory puppets of the citizen / Federal government baby/bedroom mentality and its violations of the sodium chloride molecule SALT treaty.Thus, the shooter Jared Lee Loughner is really a human programmable bio-computer .... who was acting on behalf of astrophysics forces and astrophysics thought fields ...... hence, the astrocyte biochemistry militray force used the human as message output devices.
All the world's a stage - Shakespeare Quotes - eNotes.com
www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/all-world-s-stageJaques: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,
thus in year 2011 ........ in Arizona ..............
All the world's a stage - Shakespeare Quotes - eNotes.com
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players ( p layers --> processing layers)
They have their exits and their entrances ( en trances --> english language trances /comas / spells).
And one man in his time plays many parts (and needs the calculus concept ....... .integration by parts ..... to put it all together into a BIG PICTURE)The other NASTY event that NASA refuses to help understand is the ISAAC NEWTON message of Newtown ..... connect the dots ... idiot.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia, the ...
en.wikipedia.org/.../Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shootin...WikipediaThe Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, ...... "20 children, 6 adults killed at Connecticut school".
Elementary School shooting ..elementary physics message 1"20 children, 6 adults killed at Connecticut school""20 children + 6 ad killed at Connect i cut school""20 children, 6 add = 26"20 children, 6 adults killed at Connecticut school""20 children, 6 adults killed at Connecticut school""20 children, 6 adults killed at Connecticut school""20 children, and 6 adults ...alphabet of 26 symbol life-
English alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaThus the codes ......
location 19 = Spacelocation 20 = Time ............. thus the end of the basic alphabet of existenceLocations 21 thru 26 are extensions of the Space Time foundation.Secret societies at NASA, universities, the Federal government, and newspapers ....... enjoy inventing elaborate bull-stories and incomplete explanations about many things that happen. The pleasure of fooling people like me ................ the writer of this blog post.Does gravity interact with the atomic mass inside the brain of Gabby Giffords?Is the State of MASS ...Massachusettes aware of the existence of atomic mass and quantum states.?Thus many questions ..and NASA refuses to communicate ... continuing their BIG LIE to high school students and others ...as they engage in BRAIN social psychology manipulations tricks.NASA failed to read the nasty TIME COMPUTER manual ....Year 1984 + base 16 oxygen atom in your LUNG --> year 2000 AND Nature's Y2K bio-logical clock
requirements needed for your brain bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR.The nasty TIME COMPUTER manual provided a DEMO for NASA computer programmers on April 16.Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_shootingWikipediaNotice, the DARWIN selection of the TIME military messenger ...MR.CHO --> C + Ho --> Clock Hour ............
born in year 1984 and COMPUTER EARTH system 370 job scheduling of the message for April 16.Perhaps. NASA computer programmers may wish to help study the astrophysics WAR situation over the battle to Recapture EARTH.. -